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Gambar lucu

Gambar lucu
Berhati-hatilah mengajak anak anda bermain di taman rekreasi,bisa jadi taman bermain tersebut seprti ini

Hati-hati akan penyamaran teroris jaman sekarang
hati yang baik memang sangat perlu dalam memilih wanita tapi pilihlah wanita darisegi fisiknya juga,jangan seperti gambar di samping ini

Arti ciuman menurut para Dosen

Cerita lucu arti ciuman menurut para dosen ialah,? berikut di bawah ini cerita lucunya:

Dosen Fisika: Ciuman itu ialah
gaya tarik menarik antara dua mulut dimana jarak antara satu titik dengan titik
yang lain adalah nol.

Dosen Kimia: Ciuman , reaksi akibat interaksi
dari senyawa yang dikeluarkan oleh dua hati.

Dosen Mikrobiologi: Ciuman itu
adalah pertukaran bakteri uniseksual di dalam air liur.

Dosen Biologi:
Ciuman adalah menyatunya dua otot orbicularisoris dalam keadaan

Dosen Ekonomi: Ciuman adalah sesuatu di mana permintaan lebih
besar daripada penawaran.

Dosen Statistik: Ciuman adalah kejadian yang
peluangnya bisa sangat tergantung dari angka statistik berikut:36-24-36.

Dosen Teknik: Ciuman? Apa itu..?

Dosen Elektro: Ciuman Adalah
bertemu antara ion positif dan negatif yang mengakibatkan arus lemah menjadi
arus kuat…

Dosen Kedokteran: Ciuman adalah proses pendiaknosaan fisik
secara langsung yang mengakibatkan aliran darah ke organ reproduksi

Dosen Psikologi: Ciuman adalah proses penjiwaan terhadap pola
pikir seseorang untuk mengetahui akan kenikmatan….

Dosen Program
Komputer: If Kiss >= Hot then go to bed room else go to bathroom end.

Dosen Seni: Ciuman adalah sesuatu yang indah bila dinikmati

Guru Olahraga: Jika berciuman berkategori sangat hot, sama besar
dengan kalori yang terbuang untuk berjalan tergopoh-gopoh (brisk walking).

Dosen Politik (Ilmu Transformasi Konflik): Ciuman adalah kemampuan untuk
mentransformasi gesekan-gesekan konflik dari dua kelompok berbeda sehingga bisa
menghasilkan sesuatu yang positif (win win solution = semua senang, semua
nyaman… semua melayang).

Dosen Matematika (Teori Kemungkinan): Ciuman
itu gambling, sekarang cium tinggal tunggu balasannya, digampar ato dibalas

Dosen Olahraga (again): Ciuman adalah suatu peregangan &
pemanasan untuk "olahraga" yang lebih berat…

Dosen Kewiraan: Ciuman
adalah hak yang dimiliki oleh seorang pasangan yang hubungannya telah diakui
oleh negara berdasarkan hukum dan undang-undang yang berlaku.

Bahasa: Ciuman adalah berasal dari sebuah kata dasar "Cium" yang mendapatkan
akhiran "An".

Dosen Seksiologi: Ciuman adalah suatu teknik rangsangan
dan pemanasan (Foreplay) dimana tahapan ini menyentuh titik titik rangsangan di
seluruh tubuh…

Anaknya Dosen (yang masih berumur 3 tahun): Ciuman
adalah temannya Ciunyil, Ciucrit, Ciusrok. Bisa juga berarti sudah sadar dari

Sumber : Google.com

3 tikus adu sombong

Ada 3 tikus adu sombong.

Tikus 1:
“Loe tau gak, perangkap tikus tuh sering gw mainin kalo lagi iseng”

Tikus 2:
“Hadeuhhh…gitu aja loe udah sombong!
Lihat gue racun tikus aja kalo buat gue cuma untuk mabok2an”
Tikus 3 diem and pergi ninggalin teman-temannya.

Tikus 1 dan 2 nanya:
“Mau kemana loe?”

Tikus 3 jawab:
“Cabut dulu bro, gue ada kencan ama kucing…”



Setelah muncul gejala Crop Circle (bentuk geometris yang diduga jejak UFO) ke-2 di Bantul, setelah sebelumnya di Sleman..
Inilah rangkuman komentar2 para Tokoh2 dan artis di Indonesia ....

Nudirman Munir dkk: Kami tidak bisa menjawab karena tidak ada rujukan...
Maka karena itu kami mau study banding dulu ke Inggris, Amerika, Belanda, dan Pattaya.

Anis Matta : Apakah itu perbuatan UFO, manusia, atau fenomena alam, tidak
bisa kami putuskan sendiri.
Kita tunggu keputusan Setgab. Nanti kami kena re-shuffle kalo beda pendapat....

Gayus T. : Itu merupakan perbuatan CIA..!!

Rhoma Irama : crop circle? TER-LAAAA...-LUUUU...!

Denny Indrayana : Saya minta kamu jujur.!, kamu itu buatan UFO atau manusia !???

Mu'nim Idris : Ditemukan tanda2 trauma dan kekerasan dalam proses....

Marzuki Alie : Itu merupakan pertanda bahwa gedung baru DPR harus segera dibangun secepatnya....

Ruhut Sitompul : Itu tandanya UFO sayang kepada partai Demokrat dan pak SBY.....(Weleeeh..!)

BHD : Kami tahu penyebab crop circle..!! Kami punya rekamannya & sudah diserahkan ke Jaksa Agung...(Hhhmmmm...)

Hendarman S. : Rekaman itu ada, tetapi cuma catatan komunikasi dari UFO ke KPK...

Cirrus Sinaga : Mau apa kamu ikut-ikut. Saya sedang sibuk..!!

Nurdin Halid : Itu adalah rombongan alien yang datang untuk mendukung saya untuk tidak turun jadi ketua PSSI...!

Foke : Mana crop circle..??? inikan cuma beceeeek....

Desy Ratnasari    : No coment...!!!!!!1

Sule : Prikitiew :D!!

Fitri Tropika : crop circle,,,,,,????cape deeeeehhh......

Sumber : Guyon yuk, dengan sedikit editan....
admint:kiwil nista

Sajak UANG


uang bisa membeli obat,
tapi tidak untuk kesehatan.

uang juga bisa membeli teman,
tapi tidak untuk persahabatan.

uangpun bisa membeli makanan,
tapi tidak untuk selera.

jadi sesungguhnya,
uang hanya akan membawa penderitaan bagimu.
semua orang menderita karena uang.

untuk itu,
berikanlah semua uangmu padaku,
biarlah aku yang menderita.. 


‎3 Hal penyebab cowok ditolak cintanya: 1. Jelek. 2. Kurang Ganteng. 3. Kombinasi keduanya
sial banget aku hari ini,

udah kena copet,

sakit mencret mencret,

jalan kepeleset,

kaki lecet,

muka dijepret sama karet,


ehh sekarang malah di baca sama monyet..!!!! kampret!!!!!!!!


‎"Gigimu bagus ya. Aku suka gigimu"

"Oh ya? Knp?" "Well, kuning itu warna favoritku sih"


makan apa kita malam ini?
 Antok pergi ke dokter mengeluh tentang istrinya yang sudah hilang pendengaran

“Seberapa burukkah pendengarannya?” tanya dokter.
“Entahlah, Dok. Yang jelas saya mesti harus berteriak kalau bicara dengannya”

“Oke, cobalah anjuran saya. Berdiri sekitar 6 meter darinya,lalu katakan sesuatu. Kalau dia tak bisa mendengarmu, berdirilah lebih dekat darinya, lalu katakan yang Anda katakan tadi. Kalau dia belum juga mendengar, teruslah mendekat. Dengan begitu saya akan tahu berapa jarak maksimal pendengarannya.”

Maka, Antok pulang ke rumah dan mendapati istrinya sedang memasak di dapur. Dari jarak 6 meter ia berteriak, “Makan apa kita malam ini?”
Tak ada jawaban.

Lalu ia mendekat lagi, berhenti di jarak 5 meter dan menanyakan hal yang sama. Juga tak terdengar jawaban. Begitu juga pada jarak 3 meter.

Akhirnya, ia berdiri di samping istrinya. “Makan apa kita malam ini?” katanya setengah berteriak.

Istrinya berbalik menghadap Antok, memelototinya, dan berteriak:
“Untuk keempat kalinya kubilang: KAMBING GULINGGGG!”


pda suatu hari budi(b) bertemu dengan seorang kakek(k) yang terlihat sehat dan segar,budi pun menyapa kakek tsb:
B:wah kakek terlihat sehat dan segar sekali
K:terima kasih
B:apa rahasianya kek?
budi mengeluarkan buku catatan.....
K:minum alkohol minimal 4 botol sehari
K:ngerokok minimal 2 bungkus klo yang enteng 3,5 bungkus
K:usahakan tidak olahraga sesering mungkin
B:wah begitu yah....omong2 kakek umurnya berapa?
K:24 tahun

sumber : google


 follow your hearth clip art bergerak

tolak miskin


Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru)manga yang dibuat dan diilustrasikan oleh Hiro Mashima. Seri ini diterbitkan di Weekly Shōnen Magazine sejak 23 Agustus 2006. Bab-bab manganya sudah dikumpulkan, dan diterbitkan dalam buku tersendiri (tankobon). Di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada 7 volume yang dirilis. adalah seri


Charley Craig . (Foto:Dailymail)
GLASGOW (Berita Suaramedia) -  Bisa jadi Charley Craig (11) menjadi bocah ini yang sama sekali tak Anda inginkan untuk beradu panco.

Pasalnya dengan ukuran tubuhnya yang mungil, dengan tinggi 135 sentimeter dan bobot tubuh 32 kilogram, Charley Craig diklaim sebagai bocah terkuat di Inggris, Seperti diberitkan Kantor Dailymail, Senin (23/5/2011).
Craig bahkan dapat mengangkat berat beban yang hampir menyamakan bobot tubuhnya hingga ke atas kepalanya.

Beberapa bulan lalu Craig baru saja menjuarai kompetisi pertama yang ia ikuti, angkat beban seberat 28,5 kilogram.

Craig mengenal olahraga angkat beban ini dari ibunya, Amanda Black (37) yang sudah 20 tahun menjadi atlet angkat beban.

Kakak dari Craig, Daniel (20) juga seorang kompetitor di kompetisi-kompetisi angkat beban. Daniel jugalah yang menjadi mentor bagi Craig untuk berlatih angkat beban ini.

Craig pertama kali ikut berlatihangkat beban ketika ia berusia sembilan tahun, ketika itu ia sudah mampu mengangkat beban seberat 13 kilogram.

Namun, seperti gadis kecil lainnya sedang beranjak remaja, Craig tetap lebih menyukai saat-saatnya bermain bersama teman-temannya. Dia menyukai majalah fesyen remaja, mewarnai kamarnya dengan cat merah muda dan gemar merias diri.

Craig mempunyai cita-cita untuk dapat berprestasi dalam olahraga angkat beban seperti Zoe Smith yang memenangkan medali emas di umur 16 tahun pada ajang Commonwealth Youth Games 2008 dan yang akan mewakili Inggris di London Olympics pada 2012 mendatang (dl/oz) suaramedia.com


WASHINGTON (Berita SuaraMedia) - Sebuah foto Planet Mars yang diambil satelit Viking 1 milik Amerika Serikat pada 25 Juli 1976, memicu ribuan teori konspirasi.

Foto itu mengejutkan, karena menampakkan sebuah tonjolan mirip wajah manusia di permukaan planet merah -- lengkap dengan bentuk mata, hidung, dan mulut.

Pasca penemuan itu, spekulasi berkembang. Banyak yang menganggap struktur wajah manusia itu adalah buatan mahluk cerdas penghuni Mars di masa lalu -- bukti keberadaan 'alien Mars'.

Padahal, Badan Antariksa AS, NASA telah menjelaskan fenomena tersebut, pada 31 Juli 1976.

Dijelaskan NASA dalam rilisnya, 'wajah Mars' itu adalah mesa -- formasi batu curam dengan puncak yang relatif rata.

Mesa 'Wajah Mars' berada di wilayah Cydonia. "Ini adalah salah satu foto yang diambil di lintang utara Mars oleh Viking."
"Gambar ini menunjukkan mesa yang tererosi yang bentuknya menyerupai kepala manusia -- menunjukkan ilusi seperti mata, hidung dan mulut," demikian isi rilis NASA ke media saat itu.

Dijelaskan Mars, foto tersebut diambil pada 25 Juli 1976 dalam kisaran jarak 1.873 kilometer.

Namun, penjelasan itu tak mempan. Para penganut teori konspirasi berkeras, 'wajah' itu adalah artefak peradaban manusia kuno di Planet  Mars.

Mereka bahkan menuduh NASA sengaja menutup-nutupi adanya kehidupan lain di luar Bumi.

Bahkan -- ketika satelit NASA kembali mengambil foto obyek yang sama pada 1990-an dan 2001 -- yang menunjukkan bahwa 'wajah itu hanya sebuah bukit terjal.

Foto terbaru  yang dirilis Jumat 30 Juli 2010, makin memperkuat bantahan spekulasi tersebut.

Foto hasil bidikan kamera canggih milik Badan Antariksa AS, NASA, HiRISE menunjukkan wajah manusia di Mars adalah bukit batu besar di tengah gurun pasir.
Gambar yang dihasilkan HiRISE adalah foto terdekat dari obyek fenomenal itu. HiRISE mengambil gambar tersebut dari satelit Reconnaissance yang mengorbit 300 kilometer di atas Mars -- jauh lebih dekat dari posisi tahun 1976, 1.873 kilometer. (ar/vs/inl) www.suaramedia.com

Pengusaha Indonesia Terkaya/ Indonesia Richest Businessman

Pengusaha Indonesia Terkaya/ Indonesia Richest Businessman

Berikut ini daftar orang terkaya di indonesia 2011 versi majalah forbes :
*dalam kurung merupakan peringkat terkaya dunia
1. (208) R Budi Hartono (rokok, bank) : US$ 5 miliar dollar AS.
2. (208) Michael Hartono (rokok, bank) : US$ 5 miliar dollar AS.
3. (304) Low Tuck Kwong (batubara) : US$ 3,6 miliar dollar AS.
4. (420) Martua Sitorus (CPO) : US$ 2,7 miliar dollar AS.
5. (488) Peter Sondakh (investasi) : US$ 2,4 miliar dollar AS.
6. (564) Sri Prakash Lohia (polyester) : US$ 2,1 miliar dollar AS.
7. (595) Kiki Barki (batubara) : US$ 2 miliar dollar AS.
8. (651) Sukanto Tanoto (diversifikasi) : US$ 1,9 miliar dollar AS.
9. (782) Edwin Soeryadjaya (batubara) : US$ 1,6 miliar dollar AS.
10. (833) Garibaldi Tohir (batubara) : US$ 1,5 miliar dollar AS.
11. (938) Theodore Rachmat (Adaro Energy), kekayaan 1,3 miliar dollar AS.
12. (1057) Chairul Tanjung (Para Group), kekayaan 1,1 miliar dollar AS.
13. (1057) Murdaya Poo (Metropolitan Kentjana), kekayaan 1,1 miliar dollar AS.
14. (1140) Benny Subianto (Adaro Energy), kekayaan 1 miliar dollar AS.

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1. Real Madrid (359,1 juta pounds)
2. Barcelona (325,9 juta)
3. Manchester United (278,5 juta pounds)
4. Bayern Muenchen (246,6 juta pounds)
5. Arsenal (224 juta pounds)
6. Chelsea (209,5 juta pounds)
7. AC Milan (193,1 juta pounds)
8. Liverpool (184,5 juta pounds)
9. Inter Milan (184,1 juta pounds)
10. Juventus (167,8 juta pounds)
11. Manchester City (125,1 juta pounds)
12. Tottenham Hotspur (119,8 juta pounds)
13. Hamburger SV (119,7 juta pounds)
14. Olympique Lyonnais (119,6 juta pounds)
15. Olympique Marseille (115,5 juta pounds)
16. Schalke 04 (114,5 juta pounds)
17. Atletico Madrid (101,9 juta pounds)
18. AS Roma (100,5 juta pounds)
19. Vfb Stuttgart (94 juta pounds)
20. Aston Villa (89,6 juta pounds)
Sumber :tribunnews


Facts About Hollywood Movie

87 Random Facts About . . .

Hollywood Movies

  1. Originally, the term “movies” did not mean films, but the people who made them. It was generally used with disdain by early Hollywood locals who disliked the “invading” Easterners.a
  2. The first film ever made in Hollywood was D.W. Griffith’s 1910 In Old California, a Biograph melodrama about a Spanish maiden (Marion Leonard) who has an illegitimate son with a man who later becomes governor of California. It was shot in two days.e
  3. When Horace and Daeida Wilcox founded Hollywood in 1887, they hoped it would become a religious community. Prohibitionists, they banned liquor from the town and offered free land to anyone willing to build a church.t
  4. The “running W” was a trip wire to make horses fall over at the critical moment during filming. The device broke countless horses’ legs and necks. It is now illegal.t
  5. The most filmed author is William Shakespeare, including straight film versions, modern adaptations (West Side Story [1961], The Lion King [1994], etc.), and Shakespeare parodies.
  6. The shortest dialogue script since the introduction of talkies was written for Mel Brook’s Silent Movie (1976), which has only one spoken word throughout: “Non.”

  7. Count Dracula is the most often portrayed horror movie character

  8. The character most frequently portrayed in horror films is Count Dracula, the creation of the Irish writer Bram Stoker (1847-1912).
  9. The first motion picture to depict a non-pornographic sex act was Extasel (1933) starring Hedwig Kiesler, known later as Hedy Lamarr (1913-2000). Her character flees from an impotent husband, runs naked through the woods, bathes, and then has sex with a young engineer in a hut.
  10. The earliest known American pornographic film is the 1915 A Free Ride, a.k.a. A Grass Sandwich. The film was directed by “A. Wise Guy” and was written by “Will She.”l
  11. The Western Hero most portrayed on screen has been William Frederick Cody, a.k.a. Buffalo Bill, followed by William Bonny, a.k.a. Billy the Kid.l
  12. The first African-American to play a leading role in a feature film was Sam Lucas (1850-1916) who was cast in the title role of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1914). The first African-American actor to make a career in films was Noble Johnson (1881-1978).l
  13. The Hollywood star who played the most leading roles in feature films was John Wayne (1907-1979), who appeared in 153 movies. The star with the most screen credits is John Carradine (1906-1988), who has been in over 230 movies.l
  14. The American Humane Association (AHA) objected to the scene in the Shawshank Redemptionq (1994) where the character Brooks feeds his crow a maggot. The AHA stated it was cruel to the maggot, and it required that the crow be fed a maggot that had died from natural causes.
  15. In The Godfather (1972), John Marley’s (Jack Wolz) scream of horror in the horse head scene was real, as he was not told that a real horse head, which was obtained from a dog food company, was going to be used.a
  16. The first movie fashion fad was Hollywood star Mary Pickford’s (1892-1979) curls, which were augmented from the hair of Los Angeles prostitutes, employees of Bit Suzy’s French Whorehouse.e
  17. The first nude scene in a major motion picture was of swimmer and actress Annette Kellerman (1887-1975) in A Daughter of the Gods (1916).l
  18. The top five biggest grossing films on opening day in the United States and Canada before inflation are The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009), The Dark Knight (2008), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Spider-Man 3 (2007), and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009).b
  19. The five highest domestic grosses adjusted for inflation are Gone With the Wind (1939), Star WarsThe Sound of Music, (1965), E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial (1982), and The Ten Commandments (1956).b (1977),
  20. In 1923, Mark Sennett, Harry Chandler, and the Los Angeles Times put up the “Hollywoodland” (later shortened to “Hollywood”) sign to publicize a real estate development. The sign cost $21,000.a
  21. For The Twilight Saga: New Moon, each actor portraying one of the wolf pack was required to have documentation proving Native American descent.r
  22. The director of 2012 (2009), Roland Emmerich, is a fan of rapper 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson. The Jackson Curtis character in the film is 50 Cent's real name inverted.o
  23. The Twilight Saga: Twilight movie's opening weekend totaled to $69.6 million, which was the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman and starring a woman. Nearly 80% of tickets were bought buy women.s

  24. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) is the highest grossing movie never to reach number one

  25. The highest grossing movies never to reach number one on the U.S. charts are My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) $241,438,208, Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007) $217,326,336, and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) $196, 519, 585.m
  26. The most profitable moves, based on absolute profit in worldwide gross, are Avatar (2010), Titanic (1997), Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), Jurassic Park (1993), and Shrek 2 (2004).m
  27. The top five largest worldwide grossing movies of all time before inflation are Avatar (2009), Titanic (1997), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006), and The Dark Knight (2008).b
  28. The biggest money losers, based on absolute loss on worldwide gross, are Town & Country (2001), Stealth (2005), The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002), Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001), and The 13th Warrior (1999).m
  29. According to the Movie Mistakes Web site, the movies with the most goofs are Apocalypse NowHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) 296, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) 289, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) 267, and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 262.n (1979) 390,
  30. To Have and Have Not (1945) is the only instance when a Nobel prize-winning author (Ernest Hemingway) was adapted for the screen by another Nobel-winning author (William Faulkner).t
  31. In the 1985 horror film Day of the Dead, zombies are actually feasting on turkey legs that were barbecued in a special way to look like human flesh.j
  32. The three main actors in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) all met an untimely death. James Dean died in a car crash, Natalie Wood drowned, and Sal Mineo was stabbed to death.a
  33. Bela Lugosi’s (1882-1956) face was used as a model for Satan in Walt Disney’s production Fantasiat (1940). Lugosi was famous for playing Count Dracula on the stage and on screen.
  34. D.W. Griffith (1875-1948), a pioneering Hollywood film director, is credited with using the first close-up, the long shot, the fade-out, and other film techniques in his 1915 groundbreaking and highly racist film The Birth of a Nation (a.k.a. The Clansman), a film that portrayed the Ku Klux Klan in a positive way.l

  35. The term avatar is Sanskrit for "incarnation"

  36. With an alleged budget of $280 million, Avatar is one of the most expensive movies of all times.f The word avatar is Sanskrit for “incarnation” and is used in Hindu scripture to refer to human incarnations of God.p
  37. Thomas Edison invented the first moving pictures, which were small film images that could be viewed in a box. Initially, he was opposed to showing movies on the big screen because he thought one-on-one viewing would be more profitable.d
  38. The first Hollywood movie star is arguably Mary Pickford (1893-1979), who along with Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, and D.W. Griffith formed United Artists Corp (1919). At the peak of her popularity, she made a record-breaking $10,000 a week (over $196,000 in 2008 USD).e
  39. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) called for a boycott of the 1947 Disney film Song of the South, an adaptation of the Uncle Remus stories that showed happy slaves on a plantation. Though the film inspired the Disneyland ride “Splash Mountain,” the film has never been released in its entirety on home video in the U.S.e
  40. In the 1969 musical Paint Your Wagon, star Clint Eastwood sang “I Talk to the Trees, But They Don’t Listen to Me.” Eastwood says the experience prompted him to start producing and directing his own movies.t
  41. David O. Selznick was fined $5,000 for the line “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” in Gone with the Wind (1939). The Catholic Legion of Decency gave the movie a B rating, citing that the film was “morally objectionable in part for all.”c
  42. The first move to be filmed in Technicolor was Becky Sharp (1934).l
  43. The first movie to gross over $100 million was Jaws (1975).l
  44. The shortest performance to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor was Anthony Quinn’s eight-minute tour de force as Gauguin in Lust for Life (1956). The shortest performance to win as Oscar for Best Supporting Actress was Beatrice Straight's 5 minutes and 40 seconds performance in the 1976 film Network.l
  45. The first African-American Oscar winner was Hattie McDaniel who was awarded the 1939 Best Supporting Actress for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind. Twenty-four years would lapse before another African-American would win: Sydney Poitier for Lilies of the Field (1963), which was filmed in just 14 days.a
  46. The all-time box office record set by an R-rated movie is The Passion of the Christ (2004) $370,782,930. The record for a PG-13 film is Avatar (2010). For a PG film it's Star Wars (1977), for a G film it's Finding Nemo (2003), and for an NC-17 film it's Showgirls (1995).m
  47. The movie that was most weekends at #1 was E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). The move that occupied the most consecutive weeks at #1 was Titanic (1997). The lowest grossing #1 movie of all time was Jerry Maguire (1996).m
  48. The movie to hit $100 million the fastest was The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).m
  49. The original title for Ghostbusters (1984) was “Ghost Smashers.”e
  50. After a difficult battle with censors, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966) was the first movie released with the stipulation that no one under age 18 would be allowed in the theater.l

  51. Toy Story (1995) is the first feature film created entirely with CGI

  52. The first feature film created solely with Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) was Toy Story (1995). Over 800,000 hours of mathematical equations went into the film, which works out to more than a week of computer time for every second on the screen.l
  53. The first movie shot in CinemaScope was The Robe (1953).l
  54. The first picture to sweep all five major Academy Awards—winning for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Screenplay (adaptation)—was Frank Capra’s It Happened One NightOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975).l (1934) starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. The second movie to do the same was
  55. In Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963), live trained birds were thrown at actress Tippi Hedren (1930-). For part of the sequence, some birds were tied to her with nylon threads so they wouldn’t fly away. Shooting would stop every few minutes so blood could be painted on her skin and her clothing could be torn.a
  56. The laser swords in Star Wars (1977) were actually fiberglass rods coated with a highly reflective material. Light was reflected onto the rods by mirrors in front of the camera lens and color was later enhanced by animation.d
  57. In The Exorcist (1973), Regan (Linda Blair) turns her head almost completely around to face backward. A life-like dummy with a swivel neck performed the famous scene. The sound of her neck turning was made by twisting an old leather wallet around a microphone.a
  58. It took 15 crew members to operate each of the three full-scale (25-foot) mechanical sharks used in Jaws (1975).a
  59. A real bridge with a real train crossing it was blown up for the 1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai.a
  60. When early executives at Warner Brothers were having financial difficulties, they decided to take a risk on this unusual first-time film: The Jazz Singer (1927), the first “talkie” picture.e
  61. The swimming pool used in the opening scene of Sunset Boulevard (1950) was the same one James Dean, Natalie Wood, and Sal Mineo played at the bottom of in Rebel Without a Cause (1955).t
  62. One 10-minute scene in Heaven’s Gate (1980) cost nearly $4 million. The film is not only one of the most notorious flops of all time, but the noted amount of animal abuse during filming prompted the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) to authorize the American Human Society to monitor the use of animals in all subsequent filmed media.t
  63. Girl-next-door actress Doris Day rejected the role of Mrs. Robinson, the middle-aged sexpot with a penchant for younger men in The Graduate (1967).t
  64. Gary Cooper was the first choice for the part of Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind (1939), but Cooper had just signed a contract with Goldwyn Studios, and Goldwyn was unwilling to lend him to MGM.t
  65. Adolph Hitler put studio head Jack Warner on his “extinction list” because of his film Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939).t
  66. Katherine Hepburn, Loretta Young, Helen Hays, and Lana Turner all tested for Gone with the Wind's Scarlet O’Hara. Even Lucille Ball read for the part.a

  67. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) used Yellowstone National Park to create the planet Vulcan

  68. Planet Vulcan in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) is actually Yellowstone National Park.a
  69. The famous “burning of Atlanta” scene in Gone with the Wind (1939) consisted of burning the old sets from King Kong (1933), The Last of the Mohicans (1936), and Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936).t
  70. The scene in which Judy Garland sings “Over the Rainbow” in The Wizard of Oz (1939) was almost cut from the movie. Assistant producer Arthur Freed is credited with convincing MBM exec Louis B. Mayer to kept the scene.t
  71. There were 124 midgets hired to play munchkins in The Wizard of Oz (1939). One midget fell into a studio toilet and was trapped there until somebody finally found him.l
  72. When Clark Gable was filmed sans undershirt in It Happened One Night (1934), wives all over the country stopped buying their spouses the undergarment, causing a depression in undershirts in the 1930s.t
  73. The most expensive black-and-white movie ever made was Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966). Production costs totaled $7.5 million, due in large part to the salaries of its stars, Liz Taylor and Richard Burton.l
  74. The largest number of fatalities ever in a production of a film occurred during the shooting of the 1931 film Viking. Twenty-seven people died, including the director and cinematographer, when a ship they were shooting from exploded in the ice off the coast of Newfoundland.l
  75. The most extensive screen tests in the history of motion pictures were held for the role of Scarlet O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. MGM shot 149,000 feet of black-and-white test film and another 13,000 feet of color film with 60 actresses.l
  76. The largest cast of living creatures in a Hollywood film were the 22 million bees employed by Irwin Allen in The Swarm (1978).l
  77. The longest take in a movie is in Andy Warhol’s Blue Movie (1996), which consists of a 35-minute uninterrupted scene of Viva and Louis Waldon making love.l
  78. The greatest number of takes for one scene in a film is 324 in Charlie Chaplin’s 1931 City Lights.l

  79. The largest makeup budget ever for a film was for Planet of the Apes (1968)

  80. The largest make-up budget was $1million for Planet of the Apesl (1968), which represented nearly 17% of the total production cost.
  81. The largest Hollywood film set ever built was the 1312' x 754' Roman Forum for the Hollywood epic The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964).l
  82. The largest indoor set was the UFO landing site built for the climax of Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977).l
  83. The smallest set for the entire action of a movie in terms of confined acting space was the lifeboat in Alfred Hitchcock’s Lifeboat (1944).l
  84. The first film studio in the world was Thomas Edison’s “Black Maria,” a frame building covered in black roofing paper built at the Edison Laboratories in New Jersey. It cost $637.67 to build in 1893.l
  85. The first Hollywood stunt man was ex-U.S. cavalryman Frank Hanaway who was cast in The Great Train Robbery (1903) for his ability to fall off a horse without hurting himself.l
  86. The first Hollywood stunt woman was Helen Gibson who doubled for Helen Holmes in the first 26 episodes of The Hazards of Helen (1914). She was trained as a trick rider and married to cowboy star Hoot Gibson.l
  87. The last wholly silent film produced for general distribution was George Melford’s The Poor Millionaire (1930) with Richard Talmadge (who played the hero and the villain) and Constance Howard.l
  88. According to BodyCounts.com (which counts only onscreen killings, not characters killed in planet explosions), the movie with the largest body count are The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) 836, Kingdom of Heaven (2005) 619, 300 (2007) 600, Troy (2004) 572, and The Last Samurai (2003) 558.h
  89. The first film to receive an X rating under the Motion Picture Association of America system of classification was the anti-establishment Greetings (1968) with Robert de Niro, though it later received an R.l
  90. The Muppet Movie (1979) was cut by New Zealand Censors on grounds of gratuitous violence. Sweden banned E.T. (1982) for children under 11 because it claimed the film showed parents being hostile to their children.l
  91. During the “chest bursting” scene in Alien (1986), director Ridley Scott had the actors unexpectedly showered with actual entrails bought from a nearby butcher shop so that their screams of horror would be real.g
  92. Landmark movies Bonnie & Clyde (1967), The Graduate (1967), and Easy Rider (1969) signaled a shift from “Classic Hollywood” movies to “New Hollywood” or “Post-Classical Hollywood” films because they broke several social taboos and traditional filming techniques.i
  93. Some of the most infamous Hollywood film “curses,” in which cast members and crew are beset by tragic coincidences, are usually associated with horror movies such as Rosemary’s Baby, The Poltergeist, The Exorcist, and The Omen.
  94.  http://facts.randomhistory.com/random-facts-about-hollywood-movies.html